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Légion royale canadienne
Filiale Norris #227
Gatineau (Québec)

Royal Canadian Legion
Norris Branch #227
Gatineau (Quebec)
Become a member
By joining Norris Branch #227 in Gatineau you will have the opportunity to make new friends, to help to perpetuate the Remembrance of those who gave so much for the freedom and prosperity we enjoy today and to become involved with your community.
The proud heritage of this great Canadian organization will be enriched by the enthusiasm, energy and new ideas that you bring to it.
Join now and help us improve the lives of those who served, support our communities, and remember the Fallen. You honour and support Canada's Veterans when you join, but there are other member benefits, including:
A Legion membership card and official Legion pin
A paid subscription to the award-winning Legion Magazine
Access to exclusive member items on the Legion Poppy Store
Ability to transfer membership to another Legion Branch at any time
Membership at the Norris Branch is only $50.00 and renewals are $45.00 per year, and you don't have to be a Veteran to join.
Any Canadian citizen or citizen of an Allied nation who is 18 years of age or older is welcome to become a member of the Legion!
Learn more about our members and the Purposes and objects of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Contact Comrade Terry Béliveau (Membership Chairman) by telephone at 819-663-6405 or at the Branch located at 231 Maloney Blvd. West in Gatineau.
Comrade Béliveau would be pleased to assist you in completing your application form and to advise you on your eligibility status and what documentation is required.
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